
On October 15th the class and I went to Liverpool for the day.

The first two images are of the Liverpool eye. The first image is too dark and the Liverpool eye isn’t eye-catching. The second image is quite bright but the eye stands out and that is what I wanted to capture.

The next five images are of locks on the Albert Docks. The first one I took is of Josh and Sophie who were married on my birthday- I really liked the engraving as it is simple but very delicate. The photo isn’t the best but i really like how the sun hits a certain part of the image. The second lock is in memory of a man named Leonard . The third is in memory of a guy named Ken. I liked the third as it had a coin on the lock. The last one is for ‘Smeagle and Turnip’.

The last two images are of the same building. I really like the lines in the images. The first one is better as it a close up of the building and the effect is really nice. It gives it a sense of rhythm and it doesn’t look flat and creates atmosphere.

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